About Vitiligo

Vitiligo is a non-life-threatening skin condition that causes patches of skin to lose color. It can also cause loss of pigmentation in the hair, mouth, and eyes. Vitiligo occurs when the cells that produce melanin (pigment) die.


Vitiligo is caused by the death of melanocytes (pigment cells). The cause is unknown, but it has been linked to autoimmune diseases. Family history can also be a factor along with a trigger event such as sun exposure, stress, or exposure to industrial chemicals. Vitiligo can happen at any age but is most common before the age of 20.

Risk Factors

Vitiligo is seen almost equally in men and women, and usually appears before twenty years of age. Vitiligo is hereditary in some instances. A family history of vitiligo, or a personal or family history of other autoimmune diseases including certain thyroid diseases, anemias, or hair loss, also increase a person’s risk of developing vitiligo.

People with vitiligo may be at increased risk of social or psychological distress, sunburn and skin cancer, eye problems, such as inflammation of the iris (iritis), hearing loss, and side effects due to treatment, such as dry skin and itching.


The main symptom of vitiligo is simply the depigmentation of the skin. Commonly, areas of increased movement or friction, like around the eyes and mouth, or on the hands are affected. Some people may experience slight burning or itching of the skin as well.


Diagnosis is made by examination of the skin and asking questions about family history. In some cases, blood tests and/or a skin biopsy may be necessary to diagnose vitiligo. Your doctor may further recommend seeing an eye specialist and a hearing specialist.

Treatment and Prevention

There are several treatments for vitiligo, although no treatment is necessary. Makeup and self-tanning products are options for cosmetic treatment. Medicine and topical creams help decrease any associated inflammation that can exacerbate vitiligo. Light and laser therapy, and complete depigmentation are sometimes used as treatment for vitiligo. Skingrafting is a less common surgical option.Nothing can stop or prevent vitiligo from happening but it can be slowed down. Many treatments also have unpredictable outcomes with serious side effects. Some medications and treatments can include:
  • Creams that control inflammation
  • A form of vitamin D
  • Medications that affect the immune system
  • Combined medication and light therapy
  • Light therapy
  • Laser therapy
  • Removing the remaining color (depigmentation)
  • Skin grafting
  • Blister grafting
  • Tattooing (micropigmentation)

There is no way to prevent vitiligo but treatments can slow its progression or cover it.

girl with vitiligo looking in mirror

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